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Personal Conclusions for the Private Life

How can we demand a balanced Middle Way in public life if we do not do this in our private life? But what would have to be done to walk such a path sensibly, emotionally, and self-consciously with its own mixture of all the important parts that may belong to a fulfilling lustful life? Shall we obey this or that or decide everything alone? What is good, what is authentic, what is permitted, what is lacking us? Meditation should be the best recommendation, but also these contributions should help by pragmatic and independent orientation. 

As early as 1980, the 50-minute film "The legacy of Malinche" (Das Erbe von Malinche; 16 mm), which was then shot in Mexico, should help to open up a self-interest-oriented, lustful life, and at the same time support political opinion against the bad aspects of tourism, in particular by ignoring the native population. The latter issue only now got full attention in Europe, for instance in Barcelona and in Venice.

Updated Sept.16, 2017 

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